Wednesday, August 17, 2005

New Foot Fetish Pics!

Kristy's wrinkled soles

Click for bigger image!

I set out to shoot some new foot fetish pics the other day in my makeshift home studio & what should have been a fun evening ended up giving me at least three new wrinkles - and not on my soles! First, I couldn't get my remote to work. Since I take all of my photos myself, the remote is absolutely neccessary. I tried taking a few shots using the self-timer (frame the shot, hit the button, run back into place & hold that smile for 10 seconds!), but the camera couldn't focus since I wasn't *in front* of it when I was hitting the self-timer button. I went out to buy a new battery for my remote, which was fairly quick & painless. Until I got home, pulled the battery from the packaging & realized that though it was the same voltage & circumference, it was about a third thinner than the original battery. I put it in the remote & pushed every button so hard I thought I was going to snap the friggin' thing out of frustration! Sometimes it would react, most times it wouldn't. Crafty girl that I am, I stuck a dime underneath the battery hoping to get it closer to the contacts. This worked about 70% of the time. Enough to get me shooting, but still slow to react enough times that under the hot studio lights & awkward poses I was trying to hold, neighbors may have heard some cursing. I switched out the dime for a penny & voila! My remote is working again.

Unfortunately, the penny switch came in the middle of the shoot & while I was rooting around, my camera automatically shut itself down to prolong battery life. When I went back to shooting, I didn't notice that all of the setting reverted back to the defaults, so half of the photos have a really lovely slightly over-exposed glow to them & the rest have an ugly, harsh yellowish tint. Major editing required!

I started editing a few of them, trying to get a somewhat matched set of images for a gallery & then I noticed something bronzer looks like hell! I refuse to bake my skin in the tanning beds, but do like a bit of a summer glow so I've been doing that airbrush tanning this year. Apparently working out at the gym wreaks havok on the stuff - my ankles were almost white in the spots where my sock band rubs against my skin. Argh! More editing! I hate really overdone photos, like the ridiculous images Playboy publishes these days where women apparently no longer have arm hair, freckles or lines ANYWHERE on their bodies. Who knew Barbie skin was possible in real life? Oh's not! Even so, the bad peeling tan was so distracting, I thought it took away from the images. I don't think every flaw needs to be edited out to make an image beautiful, but keeping in something that's temporary & not part of who I am or what I *really* look like just doesn't make sense.

The full gallery will be appearing on my site soon!

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