Saturday, December 08, 2007


I've been rather quiet with the blog posts lately, but have been posting Tweets on my Twitter account at least a couple of times a day. It's a silly thing, but I've become quite addicting to Twittering away my days. I post things that wouldn't really warrant an entire blog post since they're just small blurbs, but I find them really comforting to read. I like keeping up with my cyber-friends and seeing how they spend their days, literally minute by minute sometimes.

I wonder if I should start a second account just for my feet Tweets? Most of my daily stuff would cross over to both my nude modeling site and my foot site, so one profile would likely get neglected. Plus I'd have to log out and log back in all the time. Doesn't sound like a good use of time when I could be writing real blog posts or editing pictures, does it?

If you're interested in starting your own Twitter account, it's free and really easy. But don't say I didn't warn you if you get hooked!

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