Saturday, March 22, 2008

Curse of the Peeps

I'm starting to think there may be a Peeps curse. I don't like the things (I'm more of a chocolate gal myself), but I picked up a pack last year after Trixie gave me a great idea for an Easter themed foot fetish shoot. The plan was to squish the Peeps in the grass - lots of leg, a little giantess action and of course, sweet squishy Peeps under foot! Her shoot had been foiled by hordes of spiders in the grass, so I bought a pack thinking I would give it a shot. Last year I ran out of time before Easter because I couldn't find anywhere with privacy to do an outdoor shoot.

A year later I'm running out of time again! I've had my outfit picked out and laying on my desk (along with the stale Peeps) for weeks now waiting for a combination of sunny day, privacy and photo prepped hair/face/body. A photographer helper would be great too.

While there is a lot that needs to come together in order to shoot, like getting a pedicure, shaving or waxing my legs, doing my hair and make-up, I'm starting to think it's more likely a Peeps Curse. Need evidence? Today is the only day that's not guaranteed to rain all week and I wake up with a big red rash on my chest.

I'm telling you...those Peeps are cursed!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Umm Peeps,
Did you manage to get the shoot completed?

I wonder if I could get my girlfriend to do that for me. Put them in the microwave just enough to make them warm and mussy!
