Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer Flip Flops

I added a new set of pictures for my wonderful Barefoot Kristy members yesterday and wanted to share a (much smaller) one on my blog. This was actually shot last winter during my trip to the Dominican Republic. I was super hot, sweaty and didn't have a whole lot of patience for trying to get my remote to work while balancing my camera carefully, but I really loved these pink bubblegum flipflops that matched so perfectly with my hot pink toes.

dangling my pink flip flops

I dug these flip flops out of my closet after I posted the photos yesterday and have been wearing them ever since. They're getting a little worn out and are pretty dirty, but that's the great thing about flipflops. I've got 4 or 5 different pairs in my summer rotation right now and by the end of the summer they'll all be ready to go on in the garbage (or sent to a flip flop fan?). I don't think I've ever spent more than $5 on a pair, so I don't mind if they get trashed over the summer AND I get to treat my shoe fetish by buying lots of pairs without hurting my wallet. Love it!

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