Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sunny Side of Shame

on the ferry

Since I'm posting a pic of me on the ferry on the way to Vancouver Island, it's probably obvious that I did not get everything done that I wanted to do before I had to leave. We can blame my lack of sewing skills for this particular SNAFU.

For some reason, I decided that to celebrate my sister's birthday I would make her a beautiful quilt. I don't have a ton of money right now and thought a handmade gift would be a really thoughtful, yet inexpensive, alternative. I still agree with this theory, but many many hours of sewing later, it occurred to me that I don't know how to make a quilt and I don't really know how to sew either. Books from the library are great, but when you're in a time crunch? Not the best time to pick up a new hobby and launch into a complicated project.

So I didn't finish my update. Or the quilt. It's now sitting half-completed on my kitchen table, mocking my every trek past it for more Crystal Lite Raspberry Iced Tea.

To be fair, it's actually turning out really well, just very time-consuming and not really the sort of project I feel like working on when it's sunny outside. I've got enough work to do on my computer that I shouldn't be starting any other indoor projects right now. I've got months of rainy days to look forward to, but right now I want to be outside in the sun! Hopefully that's where you're headed too, so you haven't even noticed my update is late. *grin*

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