Monday, April 23, 2007

New Pics and a Rant

I had a great time in Vancouver over the last few days - such a beautiful city.  I didn't get out in the sun as much as I would've liked to...more hiking the urban jungle as my sister and I shopped for the perfect outfits for our fancy schmancy dinner than hiking in the rain forest.  We treked down Robson and all over Granville Island.  I picked out a bunch of really cute dresses to try on at Winners (which I may love even more than Ross, btw). 

Unfortunately, shopping on a Friday afternoon is not the thing to do in Van City because the store was packed and that meant the fitting room was sheer chaos.  I had to wait in line before I could get a free changeroom and since you're only allowed to bring in 6 items at a time, I had to leave my 4 dresses on the rack outside.  I tried on my first items - a couple of shirts and capri pants, all the functional stuff.  Then I came back out to grab my dresses and they were nowhere to be found.  There were 3 employees working in the changeroom.  Guess how many bothered to even look for the dresses I'd left with them?  You betcha!

I know it's a ridiculously petty thing to complain about, but it took me a long time of browsing racks of clothes to find things I both liked and came in my size.  I couldn't just go back out, find another pile of dresses, wait in line again and try *those* ones on.  There weren't any other ones that would fit!  At least if one of the girls had apologized or even feigned an interest in looking for my stuff I wouldn't complain either.  I felt so frustrated (and hot and stuffy) digging through piles of discarded clothes, sorting through racks while a line of women watched me just wishing I would hurry up and give up my changeroom.  Of course it was probably some of those bitches who took my dresses!  LOL

Enough ranting...time for bed!  I did finish a new photo update for my members, but will have to post a sample pic on the blog tomorrow.  This girl needs her sleep!

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