Friday, August 04, 2006

Reno City

The painters have been here all week & did what looks like it'll be a great job when I finish cleaning all the white dust off of every surface & everything I own. What's the point of draping my furniture to protect it from paint splatter when the messiest part of the job comes from sanding down the walls after a spackle attack?

I've been sneezing like crazy & after the condo board sent me a letter informing me that contractors would be arriving today to start work on replacing my windows, I need to escape. My computer desk is pushed away from the walls (along with everything else I own) in a giant pile which is making internet access slightly difficult. I can't wait until everything is finished (baseboard guy? where are you???) & I can get back to living like a normal person.

In the meantime, I'm going to go visit my grandma for a few days. She didn't come to the big family trip in Banff last month & I know she gets lonely. Some home cooking sounds perfect right about now. You know you've been eating fast food too much when the McDonald's deli sandwiches actually start tasting good! lol

My grandma doesn't have internet access (surprise!) but I'm going to bring my laptop anyways just in case I can find a wifi connection that isn't locked down. Next week I'll be back, the contractors should be gone & we can get back to our regularly raunchy schedule. =)

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