Friday, June 08, 2007

Have a Good Weekend!

I got a bunch of gardening books from the library this week. I'm pretty excited about the mild winters out here and have been planting all sorts of yummy veggies and herbs in my imagination. I'm going to hit a few garden centers this weekend. I guess I'm getting started a little late, but if I can pick up a tomato plant, some strawberries and a few herbs like mint and cilantro, I'll be doing a happy dance all summer in my little container garden.

Can you believe the final episode of the Sopranos is this weekend? This season has been full of surprises. It doesn't feel like anyone will be left standing at the end. I won't give away any spoilers, but if you think about the next generation, there really isn't anyone being groomed to take over. Really...Meadow is a better candidate than AJ! If the made guys don't have heirs to take over the business, the entire Jersey family falls apart. It's just like the death of the family farm in rural America; with more strippers, violence and drugs, of course. =)

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