Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Friday!

I think I've wrangled a friend to help me take some photos out at the dog park tomorrow. It's supposed to be quite warm so I was thinking it might be a good spot for flashing boobies amidst the trees. hehe. My poor pug...always being embarrassed by his mom.

The other shoot I want to do is for a contest. They're taking submissions for a movie theme & it looks like they haven't gotten many entries yet. Any memorable scenes you can think of that would be good inspiration for a photoshoot? So far I haven't come up with anything that wouldn't require a shopping trip to hunt down costumes or props. I'd love to do a Marilyn Monroe shoot in the white dress on the subway grate from Seven Year Itch...but that would involve a wig & a white dress. Probably nothing I'd be able to track down this weekend. Hmmmmm...

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