Friday, December 22, 2006

My Birthday Surprise

Shortest day of the year? Pfft! I crammed so much fun, tears & throat formula herbal tea into the 21st that it may have been one of my best birthdays ever. It was such a great day that getting walloped by the flu couldn't put a damper on the free-flowing birthday snot cheer.

It started with an invitation for brunch at 10:00 am. I figured there would be a few people coming to surprise me for breakfast since evening birthday celebrations in December tend to have poor turn-out when competing with Christmas parties, work functions & holidays out of town to visit the family unit. I was told nothing, however, but dressed it up a notch just in case. My friend picked me up as I was downing some DayQuil & we drove downtown for breakfast at an old historic hotel (think the Shining). I'd been there for cocktails & dinner before, but not breakfast so this was a delightful surprise. While we were waiting to be seated, I noticed she was careful to block my view so I couldn't peek into the dining area. Ah ha! I *knew* it wasn't just breakfast for two!

We walked in & right away I saw my table, not filled with friends & the odd family member, but a small table for 4 where my mom & dad were already seated sipping coffee. I burst into tears on the spot. I couldn't believe they drove all the way out here just to spend one day with me. They drove 18 hours just to turn around, drive home then get on a plane & fly out to Washington for Christmas. Crazy! And like my dad said when I talked to him last week, "it's not even a special birthday"! Yeah, yeah...all birthdays are special, but it's not like it was my 30th or another milestone. Still have a couple of years to go before I hit that one! Wonder what they're planning...hehe.

Anyways, hugs all around, more tears & the beginning of a perfect day. I guess my parents had been talking about that comment, that "it's not even a special birthday" zinger, & that got them to pondering when the last birthday was that they got to spend with me. I moved away from home when I was 18 to travel to Australia & though my family is very close, we don't get to see each other much more often than summer holidays & Christmas. I haven't been "home" on the 21st in years. That was enough reason for them to plan this covert birthday trip with my friends & I couldn't have asked for a better gift.

I got to show them my house now that it's all fixed up & in sale condition (they were shocked & very proud of my mad wood-working skillz), but the best part was just getting to hang out & talk with all of the special people in my life. We went to a movie in the afternoon (just me & my folks) & then all of my friends got together for dinner that night. It was wonderful for my parents to spend time with the friends that I talk about so much. It was definitely worth the 3 hour wait I just sat through at the doctor's office to get some antibiotics. I'm feeling very blessed. And feverish, so if this rambling makes no sense, you know why.

If you're heading out for your own holiday celebration, drive safe & stay warm!


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