Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm busting my ass trying to get a Valentine's Day photo update ready for my members but working from my laptop is proving to be verrrrry slow going. All the basic things I had on my main system, like the program I use to build galleries, the fonts for the watermark & so on are not installed here. So it's been many hours of running upstairs & back downstairs searching for CDs & so on. BUT I'm so fucking happy to announce that I think I'm going to have all of my data recovered! A tech friend of mine hooked me up with an amazing data recovery program that has been running for almost 3 days straight. It keeps trucking along & I keep my fingers crossed. =)

I had an awesome weekend & will post some photos later. Geocaching with my 6 year old nephew for the first time? Check! Kicking ass at mini golf? Check! Losing my ball in the water & almost nailing onlookers in the bean with my ball? Check! Nothing like a 6 year old to remind you that your biggest problems should be not laughing enough. Or eating enough foil-wrapped chocolate hearts. hehe.

I'm going to hurry up & get my V-Day shoot edited & uploaded. They unfortunately require a lot of editing after my 500 W light blew out on the first photo, so as the sun went down, the pics get much darker. But at least I had one other blue photo bulb so I didn't have to use a regular household one like in my last shoot. Hello, yellow face! I loved the shots, but it looked like I had been under a sun lamp for way too long (just my face though!).

Give yourself a big hug & a squeeze! It's a day for celebrating love & as cheesy as it sounds, loving yourself is the most important thing you can do today.


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