Monday, February 18, 2008

Lazy Weekend

I took most of the weekend off this last weekend and really enjoyed it. I didn't do much - slept late, starting reading a new book (Women by Charles Bukowski), took the dogs for a hike in the woods wearing my new yellow rubber boots (which was a good thing too because it was pretty muddy!). It was very laid back and just what I needed.

Since I work from home, I have a hard time finding time that's truly "off". My mind still races and I always have a pile of things I'd like to accomplish. So even when I'm relaxing and watching TV, I still have that residual guilt for what I *should* be doing instead. It can be exhausting.

I'm going to try to get into the habit of working a normal schedule, with scheduled time off included. They say it takes less than 30 days to form a new habit, so hopefully by the time March rolls around I'll be well on my way to getting more work done during the day and more true relaxing in my free time.

And of course, more pictures to share with you!

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