Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Circus Pics

I got to tag along & go to the circus with my nephews last weekend & though I had a great time, I quickly realized what a dirty pervert the adult industry has turned me into as I fetishized everything I saw. Clowns would be the obvious one - those big shoes can only mean one thing, right? But as the cotton candy melted on my tongue I couldn't help picturing how delicious it would look in a photo shoot or video for my site. Even better, how good it would taste if I had someone to lick my nipples first, then let the fluffy pink cotton candy dissolve a little before returning his lips to my breasts. The crack of a whip as the tall, slender blonde in the pink sequined spandex outfit leaves the ring where the horses are trotting on her command & steps into my bedroom. The blinking glowsticks that every child absolutely MUST HAVE for when the lights go out would make an interesting bedroom toy as well, with the lights out, of course. The riding boots, the leather gloves, the ropes used to hoist up the trapeze artists so they can twirl above our heads on silver rings...and the trust. I'm far from a BDSM expert, but as someone who has both dominant & submissive tendencies, the biggest obstacle for me in BDSM play is finding someone I trust absolutely. You can't allow yourself to submit completely to someone unless you trust that they will take good care of you, pushing your limits but never breaking them. I think I would need to be in a relationship for a very long time before I could ever get to that point.

Fortunately for me, I think I'd rather wear the top hat, riding boots & brandish a riding crop anyway. Now who needs a little discipline?

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