Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bare Feet, baby!

The snow is gone! Woohoo! You know what that means - skirts & sandals will be out soon. I hate wearing socks & much prefer to have my feet bare feet out & about, so this is good news for me, even after the mildest winter I can remember. I had the loveliest nap yesterday with the window open, feeling the breeze flow across my body. This might not seem like such a big deal depending on where you live but I haven't had a window open in my house for months now. Just hearing the sounds of kids playing outside was so soothing. Now if I can just get my sleep schedule back on track, I'll be able to get caught up on my work & house stuff. I've been staying up as late as 6:00 a.m. lately, finally crashing & then sleeping so late that by the time I wake up, I never really feel rested. My body feels exhausted, but when I try to fall asleep at midnight (like I did last night), I toss & turn for hours. Last night I gave up at 4:30 a.m. & got up. I watched Mindhunters, which surprisingly ended up being pretty entertaining. I had low expectations since I'd never even heard of it & I love Christian Slater, so if it had been heavily promoted, I'm sure I would've taken notice. I jumped a few times & let out a yell at one point (which the dogs weren't too impressed by), so if that's how you gauge a suspense-thriller flick, it made the grade.

I have a bunch of meetings tomorrow for both work & some personal stuff - I'm thinking about selling my house. The market is hot right now, I want to move out of Canada & the utilities here are killing me. I really don't need this much space either. So, we'll see. I like the idea of renting for a while & putting aside some money.

I *might* have to cancel my camshow tomorrow night. I'm not sure if I'll make it home on time, but I'll wear something sexy under my business attire just in case! hehe

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