Sunday, April 23, 2006

Custom Foot Fetish Movie

I wrangled one of my guy friends into helping me film a custom foot fetish movie last night in exchange for cooking him dinner & a few beers. Unfortunately, one of our other friends ending up tagging along who doesn't know about my websites & can be a little judgemental, so we had to try to wait him out. He's really a great guy & one of my good friends, but he's quite conservative so I just avoid the topic of my sites altogether. We ate dinner, watched a movie, chit chatted & got caught up with each other...meanwhile I'm watching the clock just hoping he would get tired before I did! lol

Eventually he headed home & I got down to shooting. It was a fun movie & a little different than the rest of my foot fetish movies - no nail polish! I rarely have bare toes with no polish. Maybe a French pedicure with white tips or some clear polish, but completely naked bare feet? Never. I took a few photos so I'll post those for my bare foot fans soon - after I get this movie captured & put on DVD!

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